SIP Newsletter #30

Brussels, August 15, 2008


- Freeware Service Pack 011
- SipLedger
- SipXMLxtract
- SipEPS01

Dear Score user,

A new product to extract parts at the XML level has been made.
Other programs have undergone stability fixes and functional extensions.

Freeware Service Pack 011
All users: Install FreewareServicePack 011 which includes a new version checker. After installation (download, unzip, copy the modules to your SIP folder) hit the 'Version' menu on the main panel to check if you are up-to-date with everything.
This Service Pack includes a number of improvements and new functionality of SIP freeware.

1. Sip Control Center - build 117
This new version has an additional button to call the XML extractor. Also, this is a version which remembers the screen position of the panel between applications. Gradually, applications will position their panel at the same screen location as the previous application. Currently, this is supported for SipSkore, the interface to the DOS applications Score, Page, Draw, and Scorlas. Other applications will be adapted to this screen positioning mechanism.

2. SipLedger - build 003
This freeware utility which adapts the length of ledger lines in Score generated EPS files to any user setting did not take care of grace notes. This feature has been added in Build 003 of the program which is now downloadable to licensed SIP users from the familiar site The relation of grace note ledger lines by default is .6 in Score. This percentage can now be set to any value in SipLedger. Note that you can select a specific section in a page to adapt the width of ledger lines.

3. SipSkore - build 024
Two new functions are added:
- when the ScorPrev program is installed, you can call it from this panel;
- the push option inserts a line on top of the names file with a lower number than the previous one.

Note that the ScorPrev program by Leland Smith is not a stable product. SIP calls it for those installations which want to see their Score files but do not have the Score license on their system.

4. SipGetos - version
Added the Server configuration.

5. SipRecov - version
Fixed a stability problem.

6. SipXlyr - version
Fixed a stability problem.

Not part of the freeware is the new utility SipXMLxtract. It needs to be downloaded separately.

Licensed users of SipXML2Score can download SipXMLxtract. This utility allows users to extract any combination of instruments from a Music XML file. It is useful when for instance the number of staves or the number of items exceeds the Score limits, or as a part extractor before conversion to Score. User need to have installed FreewareServicePack011.

Users of SipXML2Score are herewith notified that there is a problem in signature handling which is being worked on.

Version Adds panel positioning.

Long live SCORE!

Jan de Kloe