Last updated January 19, 2020
Boris Perott - A Life with the Guitar
Published November 2012 by Chanterelle Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 200pp
Get it from Amazon or Schott.
List of names in the index
Updates and corrections (second update)
Cossack Warriors - a true story
Published September 2012 in Minneapolis-St.Paul, USA with TradePress, 171pp
Contact me to order
Abstract of the book (2 pages)
List of names in the index
Julian Bream, su repertorio
Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba, Nombres Propios de la Guitarra 2009, p65-110
Other articles:
Leo Brouwer: Julian Bream: disidente de la "era Segovia"
Javier Suárez-Pajares: Joaquín Rodrigo y Julian Bream, Aspectos de una relación
Graham Wade: El arte de Julian Bream
Index of the Diccionario de Guitarristas by Domingo Prat
Editions Orphee, Columbus OH, USA in 2009, 99pp
Dates summary from the Diccionario
Engraving guitar music (in Russian)
Collected articles of the 5th international conference in Tambov (Russia), April 10-11, 2010, p155-158
Cross-string ornamentation technique. A practical guide for guitarists
Technique de l'ornementation sur plusieurs cordes. Un guide pratique pour guitaristes
Les Editions Doberman-Yppan, Canada 2007, DO 620
Ordering instructions
Oscar Esplá in Belgium (1936-1949)
Editions Orphee, Columbus OH, USA, 2001, 264pp
Ordering instructions
Abstract in English
Resumen en Castellano
Book errata v7.00
List of names in the table of contents
Oscar Esplá - fiction and facts, v4.0 - April 2006
Oscar Esplá - The surfacing of the "Karel Willems article"
Oscar Esplá - Pictures and articles from my archive
Oscar Esplá - ¡Descubrimiento! Carta y fotogafía de Óscar Esplá
Europäische Gitarristen in den USA in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
EGTA-Journal, Ausgabe 7, 12/2019, p12-24
Dolores Nevares de Goñi
Soundboard USA, vol 44 number 4, December 2018. p15-23
François-Joseph Fétis (1784-1871): So important, Such a crook
Soundboard USA, vol 44 number 2, June 2018. p37-39
Chitarristi europei negli U.S.A. durante la prima metà dell'Ottocento
il Fronimo, no. 182, April 2018, p 26-40
Ideological conflicts between music journalists in Belgium during the Second World War
Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap (Revue belge de Musicologie), VOL. LXIX (2015) p39-45
Letters from Heinrich Albert to Vahdah Olcott Bickford
Letters from Heinrich Albert to Vahdah Olcott Bickford
Zani de Ferranti in America
American guitar history
Abstract of Lyubov Ponomareva’s journals
Russian emigration subject
The schism between Perott and Appleby
Guitar history in England
Text spoken with slides at the 2014 Hall of Fame Award Ceremony for Abel Nagytothy-Toth at the convention of the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA), Fullerton, CA.
Alice de Belleroche a guitarist in England
Classical Guitar UK, vol 30 number 8, April 2012. p34-36
New techniques for old music: Giuliani's Op. 15 revisited
Soundboard USA, vol 37 number 3, 2011. p40-42
Early Russian guitar periodicals
Soundboard USA, vol 37 number 2, 2011. p38-44
Two sauteuses
Soundboard USA, vol 37 number 1, 2011. p68-69
Oscar Esplá and the guitar
Soundboard USA, Vol 35 number 4, 2009, p43-50
Thumb position on the guitar
Soundboard USA, Vol 35 number 1, 2009, p32-36
Oscar Esplá e la chitarra
il Fronimo, no. 144, October 2008, p 39-48
Oscar Esplá - los años belgas
Canelobre: Revista del Instituto alicantino de cultura "Juan Gil-Albert", 2008, p21-35,
C/ San Fernando 44. Casa Bardin,
03001 Alicante
Interview with Abel Nagytothy-Toth
Soundboard USA, Vol 31 No 1, fall 2005
Albéniz in Brussels
Soundboard USA, Vol 30 No 4, summer 2005
A house style for engraving guitar music
Soundboard USA, Vol 30 No 2, 2004
Frank Martin: une enquête
Les cahiers de la guitare, n° 82, 2002
Oscar Esplá als muziekredacteur in België tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap (Revue belge de Musicologie), No 56, 2002, p131-143
Barrios in Brussels
Soundboard USA, Vol 26, No 3, winter 2000
François de Fossa's edition for guitar of Haydn Works
Soundboard USA, Vol 22, No 4, spring 1996
I Quatre Pièces Brèves di Frank Martin: Studio comparativo delle fonti disponibili
Il Fronimo, Vol 26, Nos 96 & 97, 1996
Frank Martin's Quatre Pièces Brèves: A comparative Study of the available Sources
Soundboard USA, Vol 20, No 1 & 2, 1993
Japanese translation of above article
Gendai Guitar Nos. 373-375, 1996
Frank Martin y la guitarra
Albéniz en Bruselas - Estudio documental sobre las actuaciones de Isaac Albéniz en Bruselas
70 pages. To be published.
List of names in the index
Oscar Esplá, ses écrits de la période belge
313 pages. Published on the Internet in French and Spanish, 2008
The bank which housed the legacy of the composer went bankrupt in 2012. They had this book on their website which has since been taken down.
Index to the "Estudio Monográfico Documental" on Oscar Esplá y Triay by Emiliano Garcia Alcázar
20 pages, August 1999 - Electronic version available on request
Anatomy of the K1 trill
Work in progress (article)
Thematic catalog of Johann (Ivan) Decker Schenk
Work in progress